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5 Benefits of Good Oral Health in Children

By February 14, 2020December 21st, 2023Kids Dentistry

Benefits Of Oral Health In Children

Importance of Oral Health In Children

It goes without saying that in order to maintain good overall health, we need to take care of our teeth and gums. Regular brushing, flossing and dental visits are all part of any healthy adult’s oral hygiene routine — but did you know that when you start practicing proper dental care can have a big impact on your lifelong health?

At Kids Mile High, we know that children’s oral health matters just as much now as it will in their adult years. Establishing healthy routines from an early age will not only pave the way for proper oral development, it will help your children grow into strong, healthy, confident adults. In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, let’s discuss the benefits of good oral health in kids and how your Denver, Englewood and Central Park pediatric dentist can set your child on the path to a healthy smile.

1. Dental Care for Kids Prevents Disease

You might think that taking care of your child’s baby teeth doesn’t matter much, since they’re just going to fall out anyway. But when it comes to kids’ dental care, it’s all about stopping oral health issues before they start. Just like you brush and floss your teeth to keep plaque and disease at bay, your children will benefit from preventive measures too.

It’s important to develop at-home oral health routines for kids as soon as possible, including brushing twice a day, flossing daily and visiting your Denver pediatric dentist regularly. Taking good care of young, developing teeth will reduce plaque, prevent gum disease and tooth decay, and improve your child’s overall health. This will mean fewer sick days and time off from school, less time dealing with discomfort from cavities, and more days doing what they do best: being a kid.

2. Proper Oral Hygiene Supports Healthy Tooth Development

Children’s teeth have very different needs than adults’ do. While your mouth is fully developed, your child’s teeth, gums and jaw are still growing and changing every day. That’s why we always recommend that your child see a Denver, Central Park or Englewood pediatric dentist as early as their first birthday (and, of course, continue with routine visits throughout their lives!).

A pediatric dentist like Dr. Paddy or Dr. Roger can give your child the support they need throughout their oral development, starting from their very first tooth until their 18th birthday. With their special training in kids’ oral health needs, the doctors at Kids Mile High have the knowledge and expertise to treat younger mouths, catch potential issues early on, and set your kiddos on the path to a beautiful smile.

3. Healthy Teeth Save Money

Children’s oral health care starts at home. The sooner you begin proper oral hygiene routines, the fewer dental appointments your child will need in the long run. As much as we love to see our little patients, the less often your child needs to visit the dentist chair, the better. Your pediatric dentist is always there to help when issues arise, but corrective dentistry can be expensive. It can also cause your child discomfort and anxiety, so outside of routine check-ups, our hope is that your child won’t need any intervention. Teeth-healthy habits are a win-win: your child (and your bank account!) will be healthier overall.

4. Children Thrive with Routines

Believe it or not, brushing and flossing regularly is about more than creating the foundation for a healthy smile. It also forms an important part of a child’s day-to-day routine, which is essential for their development. Kids thrive when they have a routine, as it gives them a sense of security and stability. Whether they understand it yet or not, kids take comfort in repetition and knowing you’re there to go through the motions with them every day. Routines also teach your kiddos time management, responsibility and the importance of healthy habits. So create a fun routine for your kids’ oral health care and they’ll be well on their way to a lifetime of strong, healthy teeth.

5. Healthy Smiles Lead to Happy Kids

At the end of the day, you really can’t put a price on the confidence that a strong, healthy smile brings. Studies have shown that a healthy smile helps kids eat and talk better, which in turn improves their self-esteem. Dealing with oral health issues like tooth decay or bad breath, on the other hand, can cause embarrassment or reduce your child’s confidence. It’s your job as a parent, and our job as your Central Park, Englewood and Denver pediatric dentist, to give your child the tools and support they need to build a healthy, confident smile. After all, a healthy child is a happy child and that’s a win for all.

Ready to book your child’s next dental appointment or have questions about at-home oral health routines for kids? Call Kids Mile High today.

Dr. Paddy

Author Dr. Paddy

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