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Can You Straighten Teeth Without Braces? Meet Myobrace!

By October 19, 2018September 19th, 2023Kids Dentistry

girl-holding-dental-mouth-sampleThe vast majority of kids will eventually have crooked teeth to some degree and end up wearing braces or Invisalign Teen. In fact, in North America, about 80 percent of teens are currently receiving orthodontic treatment. While, sure, some of it’s determined by genetics, crooked teeth are more often than not caused by incorrect jaw and facial development, usually as the result of poor myofunctional habits, such as thumb sucking, reverse swallowing, tongue thrusting and mouth breathing. Emerging issues can be seen in kids as young as three and, many times, if not dealt with, this misalignment of the teeth and jaws can lead to the need for extensive orthodontic treatment or even surgery later in life. At Kids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry, both Dr. Paddy and Dr. Castro are trained in something called myofunctional orthodontics and we use the Myobrace system to get kids’ oral development back on track and help align the jaws and straighten teeth without braces.

Smile Concerns

The whole aim of braces, or any type of orthodontic treatment for that matter, is to fix malocclusions, or issues with the positioning, alignment or spacing of the teeth and jaws. Crooked teeth and jaws are a cosmetic concern and they can lead to teasing, make kids feel self-conscious and throw off the balance of a child’s facial features. Yet, it goes beyond appearance because malocclusions can also affect the airway, make teeth harder to clean, leading to cavities and gum disease, and interfere with the ability to chew and speak properly.

We can see some red flags from a fairly early age, such as impending crowding or a developing underbite. In certain cases, your dentist or orthodontist will recommend interceptive orthodontic treatment, also known as two-phase orthodontic treatment. With this approach, kids wear appliances or braces while they’re still growing. This is because, at this stage, growth and development of the teeth and jaws can be easily manipulated. Then, the child will have a resting period for a few years while the remainder of the permanent teeth come in and, finally, they’ll finish up with braces or Invisalign Teen when they’re a teenager. This all sounds great but the expense and time involved can be significant. Additionally, not all young kids are thrilled about wearing braces and the responsibility that comes with it, which is why many parents want to know how to get straight teeth without braces. That’s where Myobrace comes in!

What is Myobrace?

The Myobrace system is based on the principles of myofunctional orthodontics, or preventative pre-orthodontics. Dr. Paddy and Dr. Castro love the system because it’s a natural way to fix bad myofunctional habits (i.e., tongue thrusting, thumb sucking, mouth breathing and reverse swallowing) and exert light force to help align the jaws and teeth into their correct position. It also optimizes facial and jaw development, so teeth come in naturally straight, often without braces or extractions.

Myobrace consists of a series of removable, oral appliances that kids wear for one to two hours every day and overnight while they’re sleeping. They don’t have to wear them to school or out in public, which can be a concern when it comes to standard orthodontic appliances. In the first stage of treatment, the appliance is aimed at habit correction to improve the odds that the little one’s jaw will grow to its full size with enough room for all of the permanent teeth to come in. For kiddos with underdeveloped jaws, there may be a second stage that aids in arch development and there are appliances that can be used in combination with Myobrace. There is also an alignment stage that can use gentle pressure to encourage teeth to shift into their natural position. The last stage of Myobrace treatment is the retention stage and the goal is to make sure a child’s good oral habits are maintained. This can usually prevent the need for a permanent retainer.

In addition to the appliance component, kids also do myofunctional exercises, called trainer activities, to really get to the root of the problem. These exercises are kind of like a workout for their mouth and only take a few minutes a day. A lot of our young Englewood and Denver Myobrace patients find them to be pretty fun and kids can complete their exercises while watching television or doing their homework. At the end of treatment, Myobrace results include a properly developed and positioned jaw, aligned teeth and an open airway.

What are the Benefits of Myobrace?

  • Teaches children to breathe out of their nose
  • Helps kids find the correct tongue resting position
  • Encourages correct swallowing
  • Keeps the lips together
  • Exerts gentle force to develop and align the jaws and straighten teeth without braces
  • Improves facial development
  • Doesn’t need to be worn all day or at school
  • Removable, allowing for proper brushing and flossing
  • No food restrictions
  • Opens the airway, which can improve asthma, allergies and snoring
  • Corrects bad myofunctional habits, truly addressing the underlying cause of crooked teeth and underdeveloped jaws
  • Comfortable
  • Kids won’t experience a relapse like they often will with braces or Invisalign
  • Can be effective for children three- through 15-years-old
  • No complicated appliances or brackets and wires

Does Myobrace Work?

The Myobrace system does work! Studies have illustrated that it can be effective for a variety of cases. While braces might be the more well-known treatment, doctors have actually been using myofunctional orthodontics with great success for over 25 years. Because Myobrace tackles the root of a child’s malocclusion, the results are permanent. With traditional orthodontics, if you don’t wear a retainer afterwards and, sometimes, even if you do, the teeth will shift back to their old positions. This doesn’t happen with Myobrace. Though Myobrace results can vary depending on a number of factors, it allows many patients to avoid braces completely. In the small number of instances that braces are needed when a patient is a teenager, they typically only have to be worn for a short period of time.

Interested in learning more about how we can straighten teeth without braces? Or, want to find out if your child is a candidate for our Englewood or Denver Myobrace treatment? Schedule a visit at Kids Mile High Pediatric Dentistry today!

Dr. Paddy

Author Dr. Paddy

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